Monday, February 24, 2020

Personal Philosophy of Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Personal Philosophy of Teaching - Essay Example Such learner-centred approach is based on active and reflective learning which is also founded on the learner’s motivation to learn. This type of learning however, needs the participation and assistance of clinician-educators working with the learners as facilitators. This paper shall discuss my personal philosophy of teaching psychiatry to junior doctors in the psychiatric work place. It will also demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles underpinning the structure of learning and supervision in the medical workplace. This essay will also articulate and justify my personal philosophy of teaching and identify potential future needs and opportunities for engagement with continuing professional development. Body In teaching psychiatry to junior doctors, I applied the student-centred approach, more specifically, the case-based learning approach. Case-based learning is a valuable tool in medicine because it involves the application of theories and skills which are eventually meant to secure important tools for the learner (Kolodner, Hmelo, and Narayanan, 2003). Case-based learning is founded on the principle of clinical cognition which, in general, seeks to assess cases and establish applicable processes for their resolution (Elstein and Schwarz, 2002). John Dewey describes the theory of clinical cognition by explaining that experiences are often critical elements which impact on the overall quality of learning and that teachers have a responsibility to ensure optimal experiences in its applications (Kassirer, 2010). In effect, he further posits that teaching experiences â€Å"should arouse curiosity, enhance personal initiative, and allow free expression of learners’ ideas† (Kassirer, 2010, p. 1118). The knowledge which a student has learned through experience in any situation therefore becomes the tool in understanding and managing other situations which may follow. I used this case-based learning because through this method, I was able to guide the junior doctors into establishing a vivid picture of their patient, to have a more tactile experience of the patient’s case, and to enable comparisons of abnormal and normal psychiatric processes. A discussion by Halbreich (1994) established that part of the processes involved in teaching psychiatry to general practitioners is based on the establishment of a curriculum which is built on the needs of the GPs. The case-based and the problem-based techniques help designate the personal skills which need to be evaluated, the knowledge of symptoms, the differential diagnosis, as well as the management tools which they can apply (Halbreich, 1994). In effect, the learning process founded on the case-based approach involves the process of teaching GPs about the essential symptoms involving psychiatric affectations (Coderre,, 2003). As the learners would have a more personal evaluation of various patient cases, they are also able to establish appropriate management interventions for these cases. I found that the process of teaching junior doctors about the medical management of psychosis in wards can be adequately carried out with the application of the case-based learning. Policy and practice protocols in medical management among psychiatric patients, involves the usual elements including, history-taking, reasons for consult, prioritisation of patient needs, assessment, identification of need for specialist consult, health plan/interventions (Bowen, 2006). Case-based

Saturday, February 8, 2020

I have chosen to go with topic regarding the detailed analysis of the Term Paper

I have chosen to go with topic regarding the detailed analysis of the food issues in a foreign country and my country of choice - Term Paper Example Acute food security and hunger are component of everyday life for millions of Nepalis. For families inhabiting Nepal’s secluded mountain areas especially, getting access to adequate food is an everyday struggle. Climate change is making the condition worse. Agricultural advancement in these regions has been abandoned for years, and food production falls short of meeting the need of the populace. Low production is intensified by climate insecurity. For instance, consecutive winter droughts consolidated with a poor monsoon in 2009 left approximately 3.4 million people in need of food aid (Adhikari 14-32). According to Adhikari, (44-55) people inhabiting many parts of the nation are dependent on pricey food imported from India. According to recent research food prices indicated that the poorest pastoral families were spending 78 percent of the earnings on food, making them exceedingly susceptible to food price instability. When the cost of food scales upwards, households are forc ed to sell assets, to make cuts in the household budget, and take up debts, further exerting them into a nasty cycle of intensifying poverty. Before putting into account the impacts of the present conflict on food security in Nepal it is essential to say something about the food security condition and collective phenomena before the conflict and to offer an account of configurations and dynamics of the food economy of Nepal. The revolution, which hypothetically directly confronts the structural inequalities of Nepali economy and community, which brings about prevalent poverty and food insecurity of the masses of the countrified populace and generally confronts the government itself, also presents itself as providing the potential of new and advanced entitlements and availability of the central resources for the masses. In selecting the armed resistance as its chief vehicle for that challenge, the uprising has met with antagonism from the state, and from other quarters, which has amo unted in a conflict of growing intensity, especially over the latter two to three years. Average per capita GDP is low compared to most other growing nations, and Nepal is ranked amid the poorest nations in the world. This means thereby that average per capita earnings are minimal and purchasing power in the household and in global markets also nominal. It has also become an ingredient of the traditional knowledge in Nepal that there are growing challenges linked with food insecurity, that for whatsoever rationale, many areas of the nation and many people, both in those areas and in others, suffers from food insecurity. Finally, one would anticipate that the effects of food insecurity would become apparent, in a comparative growth in the percentage of domestic overheads committed to food. Conversely, one would also anticipate that diminishing levels of consumption would explain themselves over the comparatively short time into patterns of nutrition and malnutrition. Once more, in th e lack of modern dependable nutrition survey information, it is surmised what has been taking place to the patterns of nutrition, though there are hints that malnutrition is extensive and that the nutritional standing of both kids and adults is collectively poor; but whether the condition is overall advancing or deteriorating is not lucid. Some current village research has shown a decline in nutritional condition, at least in those cases where there has been