Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Citizenship of Organization, Nation and Planet-Rights and...

Citizenship of Organization, Nation and Planet-Rights and Responsibilities It has been rightly said by someone-â€Å"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.† Eternal vigilance for the citizen must take many forms. There are many varied definitions for Citizen, but in this context it can be said that Citizen is the person who represents the country-legally and Citizenship describes the status of belonging somewhere and it implies both rights and responsibilities (Graham, 1991). When a Citizen get the power to enforce his rights and responsibilities, then it can be said that â€Å"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility†. A Citizen needs to take full responsibility towards Organization, Nation as well as Planet-main three forms towards†¦show more content†¦They show a positive relationship between proactive Corporate Citizenship and Employee’s Commitment. Organizational citizenship is a concept that all companies wish to have but very few can actually achieve. It is rooted in individual employees view of the company and how they associate themselves with it. Some of the examples of Organizational Citizenship are as follows: Assisting coworkers: An employee can take time from their work to help another to get their job done, as they know its important to the company and to the other employee. We have all potentially had situations where others pitched in to get a job done that had nothing to do with their specific job, outside of wanting to help the company and a fellow worker. Working for the future: So many employees look at what they are going to get right now and do not look far into the future. Those who practice organizational citizenship believe there will be rewards down the road and do not focus on the short-term; rather, they focus on the long-term. This viewpoint also makes them long-term employees, which are desirable to any company. Being a company representative: When some employees leave for the day, the company they represent stays behind them in the office. An organizational citizen represents their company 24/7 and has no problem talking to others about how their company might help them. Thus, it can be said that organizational citizenship is theShow MoreRelated Global Citizen Essay1381 Words   |  6 Pages Global citizenship has the term that is widely used for different purposes and meanings. There is no single consensus on the meaning of global citizenship. â€Å"The concept of global citizenship arose during the days of ancient Greece and during the era of the Roman Empire† (Dower, p.6). 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